Дневникът на Филип Петров

* Метъл балади – топ 10

Публикувано на 07 септември 2012 в раздел Музика.

В тази статия подбирам моя личен списък с най-добрите метъл балади, като в него, няма как, задължително включвам и песни на български език. Дори и не световно известни, дори и изпълнени от не чак толкова добри певци и музиканти, песните на родния ми език винаги си остават по-близо до мен от другите. Песните не са подбирани по послание - някои са чисто любовни, други са изключително мрачни.

10. Accept - Can't Stand The Night

Fallin' tears, a broken heart,
here I sit as time goes by,
because all I had has gone forever...
can't stand the night!

The fun we had, I knew so well
that something's so deep inside.
The last few days have been pure hell,
can't stand the night!

Love - you torn my world apart,
but still I can't escape.
You touched me and you hold me,
the nights are hard to take.

I know her body, her hair, her eyes,
I know she should belong to me,
but she's a one man's girl forever,
lovin' deeply why not me.

Love why do I take you and why do you take me?
Take my breath, or you take my heart,
all you give is pain a curse upon your name.
Can't you see, it isn't right?
Can't stand the night!

Tell me where I have gone wrong,
give me a reason why,
tell me how to win her back.
Can't stand the night!

Love why do I take you and why do you take me?
Take my breath, or you take my heart,
all you give is pain a curse upon your name.
Can't you see, it isn't right?
Can't stand the night!

Fallin' tears, a broken heart,
here I sit as time goes by,
because all I had has gone forever...
can't stand the night!

Oceans filled with tears
and mountains made of pain
and my eyes are sad each time,
the night it comes back again.

Love why do I take you and why do you take me?
Take my breath, or you take my heart,
all you give is pain a curse upon your name.
Can't you see, it isn't right?
Can't stand the night!

9. Metallica - Fade to black

Life it seems will fade away,
drifting further everyday.
Getting lost within myself,
nothing matters no one else.
I have lost the will to live,
simply nothing more to give.
There is nothing more for me,
need the end to set me free...

Things not what they used to be,
missing one inside of me.
Deathly lost this can't be real,
can't stand this hell I feel.
Emptiness is filling me
to the point of agony.
Growing darkness taking dawn,
I was me, but now he's gone.

No one but me can save myself, but it's too late,
now I can't think, think why I should even try...

Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye...


8. Rob Halford - Silent Screams

Look at me I'm chasing after dreams left in the storm.
What I am is all that really matters now...
The lies are gone.

Tempting fate and losing friends along the way I loved.
No regrets I'm standing with a needle in my heart... needle in my heart... needle in my heart...

You'll never know! My life means everything!
Still I scream because there's nothing left to do until the end.
The world goes on with all that i've become
and still I scream inside though all the pain i've taken hasn't changed...

Nothing's changed at all the truth is like a chain.
Heaven's calling me the place where I belong.
Killing pain. Killing pain.

Close my eyes a million faces, get inside my mind.
Take a breath and fill my troubled soul with all mankind.
Killing pain. Killing pain. Killing pain. Killing pain.

You'll never know! My life means everything!
Still I scream because there's nothing left to do until the end.
The world goes on with all that i've become
and still I scream inside though all the pain i've taken hasn't changed...

The man in black I'm coming back to spew my evil hate.
My crown of horns and bloody thorns I dig up what you fear.
I am the shape that's in your room that watches over you.
I am the needle in your heart, you're disillusioned god.

I am god I am fate I am all the things you make.
Yeah. Hate.
I am black I am white I'm the blood upon the knife.
Yeah. Hate.

Since time began I made a vow to drag you underground.
To steal your soul of purity and watch you waste away.

I am pure I am right I'm the god that makes you fight.
Yeah. Hate.
I am life I am death I will steal your final breath.
Yeah. Hate.

I prey upon your broken dreams your weakness gives me strength.
I'm laughing at your silent screams I'll crush you with my hate.

You take it all and face the fear that's here
until the silent screams leaves you with no choice to carry on.
You'll never fall when all is said and done.
The only scream is here the journey never ends, it's just begun.

The lies that never learn the needle's in my heart
and things will never change, so every time I scream I'm killing pain...

7. Ахат - Земя на слепци

Някъде под небето на грешната Земя
живеел народ обречен на живот без светлина.
Слепи им били очите, вечна била нощта,
черни били ръцете на сляпата съдба.

Дълго така живяли в мрак и тъмнина,
свои богове създали - идоли на скръбта.
Но станало нещо странно в техния тъмен свят -
родил се човекът-чудо - прогледнал за първи път.

Бликнала стръвна завист в обречените души,
те черни пръсти сплели в своите коси.
Очите му отнели и до края на своя живот
осъден бил да страда от слепия народ.

С вериги окован завинаги... затуй, че бе видял деня.
На хиляди слепци не можеше да бъде крал
и в света остана сам със своята вина...
със своята вина...

6. Хиподил - Отнесен

Здравей, отнесен от заблудите,
какво преследваш този път?
Безстрашието ли на лудите
или все още нежна плът?

Каквото и да е, опитай,
защото само това си струва.
Защо стоиш до мен, отлитай,
в опита гори заблудата.

Това е, което е скрито от хората,
бавно напуснал своята плът,
това е и смисълът скрит в умората,
това е, когато е силен духът.

Целунат от цветята грапави
трепери въздухът в мен,
побързай да затвориш портите
отива си и този ден.

Довиждане на всички пътници,
които с нокти се крепят,
защото аз подрязах своите
и падам за пореден път.

Това е, което е скрито от хората,
бавно напуснал своята плът,
това е и смисълът скрит в умората,
това е, когато е силен духът.

Ти го искаш и не можеш
и избираш начин друг,
може би ще се наложиш,
но едва ли ще е тук!

Ти го искаш и не можеш
и избираш начин друг,
може би ще се наложиш,
но едва ли ще си тук...

5. Black Sabbath - Too Late

Soon it's never more when you've got to pay for promises made in the night...
Call the magic one and with the magic comes forever chained to the flame...

It's too late, too late for tears,
Too late and no one hears you.
Do you feel a touch of evil?
It's too late!

To wish and make it so,
to feel the power growing stronger
blessed by the dark.
And when the candle fades
you can say it was a joke you played,
so you must let me go - no!

It's too late - you've said the word,
too late - something heard you
too late - now the race is on
and you're run out of road.
Too late for tears,
too late and no one hears you.
Can you feel the touch of evil?
It's too late!

Save me, I believe in your name
I've fallen down but now I've found
nobody to take the blame...

Misery, it's come to drag me away
and when the hunter cries no alibis,
get ready for judgement day!

As the candle fades
you can say it was a game you made
So you must let me go, let me go

It's too late - you've said the word,
too late - something heard you,
too late - the spell is gone
and this time you're the fool!

It's too late for tears,
too late and no one hears you,
welcome to forever, welcome it's too late.
Too late!

4. Ер Малък - Признание

Не знам какво ми става, какво се промени,
но виждам те таква,каквато бе преди.
Не сме живели сякаш толкоз много дни,
отново те поглеждам, чудя се ти ли си?

Мисля си как стана така...
Виждам те пак чак сега...

Във този миг безкраен времето се спря,
далечен, нереален светът край нас замря.
И ние сме замрели с докоснати ръце,
от радост онемли, с усмивки на дете.

Мисля си как стана така...
Виждам те пак чак сега...

3. Scorpions - When You Came Into My Life

You give me your smile - a piece of your heart,
you give me the feel I've been looking for.
You give me your soul - your innocent love,
you are the one I've been waiting for,
I've been waiting for...

We're lost in a kiss - a moment in time,
forever young, just forever, just forever in love!

When you came into my life - it took my breath away
Cause your love has found it's way to my heart!

You make me dream by the look in your eyes
you give me the feel I've been longing for.
I wanna give you my soul - all my life
because you are the one I've been waiting for,
I've been waiting for so long.

When you came into my life it took my breath away
and the world stopped turning round For your love.
When you came into my life it took my breath away
beause your love has found it's way to my heart.
Into my heart!

Just forever in love

When you came into my life it took my breath away
and the world stopped turnin' round for your love.
When you came into my life it took my breath away
beause your love has found it's way to my heart
When you came into my life.

When you came into my life it took my breath away
and the world stopped turnin' round for your love
When you came into my life it took my breath away
Cause your love has found it's way to my heart...

2. Ozzy Osbourne - I Just Want You

There are no unlockable doors,
there are no unwinable wars,
there are no unrightable wrongs
or unsignable songs.

There are no unbeatable odds,
there are no believable gods,
there are no unnameable names,
shall I say it again, yeah.

There are no impossible dreams,
there are no invisible seams,
each night when the day is through
I don't ask much I just want you I just want you!
I just want you!

There are no uncriminal crimes,
there are no unrhymable rhymes,
there are no identical twins or forgivable sins,
there are no incurable ills,
there are no unkillable thrills,
one thing and you know it's true,
I don't ask much I just want you!
I just want you! I just want you! I just want you!

I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired
I used to go to bed so high and wired, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah.
I think I'll buy myself some plastic water
I guess I should have married Lennon's daughter, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah!

There are no unachievable goals,
there are no unsaveable souls,
no legitimate kings or queens, do you know what I mean?

There are no indisputable truths
and there ain't no fountain of youth,
each night when the day is through,
I don't ask much - I just want you
I just want you! I just want you! I just want you!...

1. Rainbow - Catch the rainbow

When evening falls she'll run to me
Like whispered dreams your eyes can't see.
Soft and warm she'll touch my face
a bed of straw against the lace.

We believed we'd catch the rainbow,
ride the wind to the sun,
sail away on ships of wonder,
but life's not a wheel
with chains made of steel
so bless me!

Come the dawn

We believed we'd catch the rainbow,
ride the wind to the sun
and sail away on ships of wonder,
but life's not a wheel
with chains made of steel
so bless me, oh bless me, bless me!

Come the dawn


5 коментара

  1. Повечето са сред любимите ми.
    А пък Can’t Stand The Night си я въртя по няколко часа подред, докато цъкам Diablo 3 :)

  2. Екстра е класацията! Благодаря, че пропусна най-комерсиалните и изтъркани парчета :)

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